Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Men's Fellowship.

His Lord said unto him well done thou good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of the Lord. Matt 25:21

Last night me and my Dad and my Uncle Gary went to a men's fellowship where there was Food,Fellowship,Testimony's. And I heard 1 testimony from a man and a woman they were married they had 5 kids they were from the Philippines. And I know one thing I never noticed how much I take stuff for granted. It almost brought me to tears to hear how Strong there faith was for the almighty God. What they went though just to get a job here. The woman had a name I could not say but she was chosen to be a teacher in New York City. And she tried to talk about God in class but the principal said you're not suppose to talk about God. So she said she just prayed that God would just open the door for her and then she said her and her class was talking about Abortion. And three girls asked her are for or against Abortion and she said God you must have a sense of humor because again she talked about God and again she got chewed out by her principal. But she and her Husband now work at the Rod heaver Boys Ranch and they are do the music there. I know that they said that god provided for them. HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!. Well I know that God is just awsome that we are so unwothy and he takes care of us like that. I love GOD!!!!


Melissa said...

I'm glad you all had a good time.