Friday, February 15, 2008

The Older I get.

Wa Wa Wa What is up my fellow bloggers How's every body doing out there?. Well I am doing great but latley I have been thinking about My life and as a 15-teen year old the responsibility I have and should have. I am 15 and I don't even know how to get myself an income yeah at my house the trash cans are my problems but what can I say about myself?. I am proud of what I do when I do But Ido wish my stamina was better as the song go's "The older I get" I think what doe's God got planned for me It's a question I ask my self everyday. And sometimes I wish I had better working discipline I know I could but I don't for some reason I don't. Well Bloggers It's been fun PEACE!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"Rockin To The Winter Jam!!!"

Man oh man! 2 Day's until THE WINTER JAM!!!!. I just can't believe I am gonna see some of the greatest conteporary christian rock groups ever to asseble. Amazing worship and praise I can't wait! Mrs.Melissa said we are gonna leave at like 2:00 and the concert don't start till 7:00...IT'S AWESOME!!!. I know all the group's are gonna be good but I am really excited to see Skillt and Barlow Girl. And I speak for everyone when I say we are very very very excited well blogger keep the youth in your prayers for say travel!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Going To Be "Flirtin With Disaster"!!!

Well Bloggers I'm finally Taking my first step to getting my drivers permit. This Thursday my drug and alchol test I am so excited!. Then I have to go get my permit and then only then I'll be "FLIRTIN WITH DISASTER!!"...Just Kidding. But I'm really excited about This Friday because we as in the youth are going to this thing that's called the winter jam several Christian rock groups are going to be there skillet,MercyMe,Barlow Girl,and only God knows who?. So I am really excited about that and then Saturday my church(Providence Baptist Church)is holding a valintines cook-out. But the youth(G.R.O.W.) have to go early to decorate. Well bloggers that's all for now...OH! and please keep me in your prayers for my class PEACE!!