Saturday, March 29, 2008


Well I don't know if you know this but I am a Smallville fanatic. What you are hearing now is the theme song to the t.v. show. It is supposed to be about the teenage years of superman. I have the entire first season on DVD but I have almost enough for the second season. Iknow what your thinking "You have a lot of time on your hands" but you know what I think it's a very interesting show. And I have been saving my Money for awhile to get the second season on DVD and I am officially within five dollers from getting it. I am so excited to get it Kayla is just excited to see it as me. It stars Tom Welling as Clark Kent, Micheal Rossenbaum as Lex Luthor,Kristin Kreck as Lana Lang,and John shnider as Johnthon Kent. well I am going to go now Peace!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I Lift Him Up T o The Lord.

Hey Bloggers I know It's been awhile but I'll give you an update I got a my space. But I wanted to talk about my friend Joe Hathy he proclaimed to know that Lord. But last year on my b-day he said I am not a Christian I said oh...OK well so I walked into my living room and I told my dad and I started to cry it tore my heart in half And to be honest I had never felt that. So I went back into the bedroom and I witnessed to him I went though the A,B,C'S then on the way to take him home my dad witnessed to him. I don't regret what I that night I might have ruined my relationship with my best friend but I did what I thought My Lord and savior would have done. I lift my friend up to the lord everyday every night. Please will you keep him in your prayers for salvation to Thank you.