Saturday, March 29, 2008


Well I don't know if you know this but I am a Smallville fanatic. What you are hearing now is the theme song to the t.v. show. It is supposed to be about the teenage years of superman. I have the entire first season on DVD but I have almost enough for the second season. Iknow what your thinking "You have a lot of time on your hands" but you know what I think it's a very interesting show. And I have been saving my Money for awhile to get the second season on DVD and I am officially within five dollers from getting it. I am so excited to get it Kayla is just excited to see it as me. It stars Tom Welling as Clark Kent, Micheal Rossenbaum as Lex Luthor,Kristin Kreck as Lana Lang,and John shnider as Johnthon Kent. well I am going to go now Peace!!!


cammie va said...

My Dearest Gator Boy, lol. So much to learn ,Im glad you are a part of our life now. I thought the reason God sent you into our lives was a blessing just for Stacey but now I see it is also for you to be educated on Georgia /Florida Rivalry! So much for you to learn, so little time before Nov 1st, when all your dreams come to a crushing reality, you poor baby.
What I think of your Tebo team, Tebo is wonderful, and the team should be called the Florida Tebos, Not the florida Gators, but sadly for Tebo games are not won by one man alone, and since no one else on the team can play ball it should be a wonderful day at my house! Remember to bring tissues you will need them. As far as the bulldogs loss this week enjoy your few minutes of happiness it wont last long. At least when we loose it it to a ranked known team not to nobodyt loser teams that the Tebos lose too. Any way i love you even though you have lots to learn.