Friday, December 28, 2007

What I've Done.

Well,It's been awhile since my last blog but I'm doing it again. What I want to talk about is what have I done? I'm not going to say why but I did something stupid And I'm getting punished for it but why can't I keep my mouth shut I am trying to get better at my unspoken weakness. But I've asked the Lord to forgive me and he has. He has blessed me with a Beautiful girlfriend she's a christian to. She's so sweet to me we have so much in common. Christmas went very good I got a new movie,I got my girlfriend a pair of ear rings,my dad some cologne it's called Aspen,I am getting my mom some bedroom slippers. Christ has blessed me and my family so much this Christmas well that's all for now blogger's

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I DedIcate This To You Casey I love YOU!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Deck The Halls With Bouls Of Jolly!!

What an exciting Sunday night we had. Almost everybody stayed after church to Decorate, the church it...was...AWESOME!!!!!!!. Me and Matt - Matt did the sound booth with green and red garlin. Then me and Hunter did real green garlin over the door leading to the fellowiship hall. Me and Hunter agreed that we made a great team! Oh Mr. Scott was our measuring eye he defintley gets credit to I mean without him it would have not been measued straight. All in all we had a great time,great fellowship... good finger food's. Well I thinks that's about it, talk to ya l8ter PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Our Skit Is Awesome!

Well our skit is coming together and It's going great. I am so excited about it. Last night we had our first practice It...was..AWESOME!!!!. Kristin did so good playing the defenceless, troubled teen. My dad did great playing Jesus. Me,Hunter,Amy, Clint,Kayla and Scott did good playing temptations. The music we're using is Lifehouse-everything. What's funny is, that group isn't even a christian singing group. I know God is gonna work through this skit....oh I mean he is working through this skit. I am so blessed to have apart of this(thank you Jesus). Well I better stop talking about it I might say to much. Well, talk to ya later blogger's

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The! Evangelism! Times!

Well, our trip to Jacksonville went very, very good! My dad is so on fire for Jesus Christ right when we got into the mall he got right to witnessing . It... was... AWESOME!!!!. But he Say's and I agree "give the glory to God!" And I finally got to go to Shelby's we had fun we talked we laughed. Hunter came with me, I got to meet her Aunt's and Uncle's and her Grandma and Grandpa they are all very nice. She invited me to go to church with her tomorrow night. I want to go but I don't know if I can. Like I said before, I like her alot and I think she likes me. Well catch you later bloggers!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Triple!!! FFF!!!!!

Well I am so excited about tomorrow me and my youth group are going to Jacksonville. There we will evangelize play putt putt golf it's going to be fun I am so pumped. Oh! and I forgot to tell everyone we finished way of the master and get this they have a expert edition I think we'll do it but I'm not certain. So I can't wait until we have Christmas at the Botleys caroling,campfire,Friends,family YEAH!!!!!. Well we cast our characters for our skit I am going to be alcohol/drugs yes I know It sounds weird but It's not for real David"davo"white is going to be sex . But that's all I can say about that.well that's all for now PEACE!!!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sloppy Joe...slop...Sloppy Joe!!

Well it's been a weird day all I been thinking about is Sloppy Joe. We went to church last night and Mrs.Melissa started singing Adams Sandlers Sloppy Joe . So I have a new thing to talk about It's about a girl named Shelby Cone she's so nice she's a Christian she sings in her church she go's to Oak hill baptist church. She so down to earth but I promised myself I'm letting God drive he's is in control so I'm letting God work so what ever happens It's God's will. Well that's all for now PEACE!!!!

Check out my Slide Show!

Friday, November 16, 2007

How strong is my faith?

Well,I'll tell you what, lately God has been testing my faith. My mom's dryer might be broken,our pump is messed up,and seems like there's never enough money. Please just pray for my family. God is just testing me and my family and I know that God is gonna provide for us . I just sometimes wanna ask "when God...when"?. And I know that it's his will for what is happening to us. At these times I think of that Casting Crowns song it says "I'll praise you in this storm and I will lift my hands". So blogger's please keep me and my family in your prayers...PEACE OUT!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

They're going...going... they're gone!

Well, it's official Bro.Eric and Bro.Robert and Chris and Bro.Bill are in Haiti I think it's just amazing that there in another country right now. I looked at the moon and said to my dad" look at that moon Bro.Eric might be looking at that same moon in Haiti". But anyway me and my dad are praying about going next year. My dad asked" Bro.Eric, are you excited?"then he said" I'll be more excited if you and kyle were going". Then my dad said "next year... next year". But on a serious note please pray for our church members in Haiti well that's all blog buddies.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tired Much ?

Well another day, another dime. My blog for today is simply asking a question.Have you ever been so tired that you could not think ?.My sister was like that yesterday. Me and her only got 4 hours of sleep last night.I feel kinda like not tired but tired all at the same time.But i got a huge blessing out of Mon&Tues.I would also want to tell everybody pray for Bro.Eric last night he told me he felt like he was coming down with a cold. Lets really hope not because it's only like 25 hour before he leaves for Haiti. I'm very excited to see the progress they have made over there we can only pray it go's smooth. Tonight's church our youth group G.R.O.W. has been doing the Way of the Master. It's pretty exciting tonight we are going over debunking Evolution. Usually we watch a video. it's just going out and witnessing that's hard. It's getting over the fear. Well that's all blogger's.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Let's do this!

Well,today is gonna a busy day.I feel I'm doing a deed for my pastor I know I know some of you are going "well... yeah".But I'm so happy that my pastor can come to my sister and say can you and kyle babysit for us to me that's just AW SOME!.But he didn't say anything about having to get up early but no worries I got up early anyway.Well that's all for now.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Man what a day!

Whew! What a day! Man watching kids all day can tire you out. But I enjoyed it a lot. First, me and Micheal went outside to try to catch chickens. Micheal caught I think two or three, me zero but I'm not for that catching chickens. Today went very smooth. Mrs.Robin took home Joey's (that's Mrs.Melissa's cat) It was so funny right when they got ready to take the cat it started to feed I said " well that right there is a sign. Well, I'll talk to ya tomorrow.

We have alot to do!!!

Well today me and my sister Kayla are babysitting for the Botley's while they go on to Daytona for a Baptist Convention. I'm excited because I love their kids. My mom is coming over tonight to sleep over with Kayla I'll go home and come back tomorrow.Kayla said I'll basically be outside today with Micheal keeping him busy. Truly I enjoy doing this I love hanging out with those kids. I love to rot their brains with T.V. and dough nuts well bye bye blogger's !

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Here we go

Well today is my first Blog. It's Sunday today we went to church we had a meeting about the Hallelujah hoedown.My mom and dad are in charge of the games I'm so proud of my mom and dad.They are so cool they always do the art for the bulletins in our church. Well anyway I'm so excited about me finally getting a blog at first my dad said"son you have to earn some responsibility if you want a blog".So today he gave in and he said "now I have something to take away from you HA! HA! HA!". Well Bro. Eric and Bro. Bill Bro.Robert and his son Chris are leaving to Haiti on Thursday. When Bro. Eric called Chris and Robert to the front of the church I wanted so bad to go on that mission's trip but I am in no physical form to go on a mission's trip. Well that's all for now!